File talk:COSTVademecum neu.pdf

From Bioblast

Vademecum 2019-07-29

Changes made:
  • Dissemination - list of eligible and non-eligible costs (Section 10.4. and 10.5 - ELIGIBLE AND NON-ELIGIBLE EXPENSES)

Vademecum 2019-05-02

Summary of the changes:
  • Clarification on MC decision going against COST rules (Section 2)
  • Change of eligibility of Grant Holder Managers (Section 3)
  • Adding Lobbying firms to the list of non-eligible costs (Section 3)
  • Minor improvements (Section 4)
  • Extra information concerning V.A.T reimbursed to individuals (Section 3.4)
  • Specification on travel costs of infant in case of breastfeeding added (Section 5)
  • Travel insurance removed from non-eligible costs (Section 5)
  • LOS - Update of the list of eligible expenses (Section 7)
  • Simplification on STSM rules (Section 8)
  • Simplification of the ITC Conference Grant (Section 9)
  • Update of the list of eligible and non-eligible costs under Dissemination (Section 10)

Vademecum 2018-05-01

You will find below a summary of all changes:
  • New Section has been created to ease the reading concerning the MC rules and procedures (see Section 2) – With this update, there is actually no change in the rules or procedures. This was just a re-organisation of the former section one. It has now been split in two with Section one focussing only on the Action, and Section two only focussing on the MC Rules and procedures.
  • Clarification with regards to Registration fees (Section 4) – Based on feedbacks received, it seemed that the paragraph related to the registration fees that could arise from the co-organisation of a COST Action Conference together with an external partner was unclear. Therefore, the rule has been clarified with this update. It explicitly states that in such case, COST Action participants must be waved from any registration fees when participating to a co-organised event.
  • Clarification on Lecture fees / honoraria for Trainers participating in Training Schools (Section 6) – Same logic as above applied to Training Schools
  • Update of the Section 8.4 in case where the Conference Grant concerns the Chair of the Action – This was necessary to ensure a proper segregation of duty within the Action. If the Chair is requesting an ITC Conference Grant, then his/her application must be approved by the Action Vice-Chair.
  • Change of the procedure applicable to the FAD (Section 10) – This was necessary to simplify the current process.
  • Add the link to the Guidelines for Action Management, Monitoring and Assessment in each Networking tool – in order to ease the reading of both document.
  • Minor text adjustment to simplify the English.

Vademecum 2017-11-09

The main changes are:
  • The list of ITC Countries has been added in the list of terms in the beginning of the document.
  • Changes of the signature process of the financial reports, which are now to be signed electronically
  • Changes in the dissemination section:
  • Specific provisions have been introduced against predatory publishers
  • Conference booth are now eligible, but strong specific provisions have been introduced
  • Provisions against royalties paid to authors in the frame of the FAD have been introduced
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