Talk:COST Action MitoEAGLE

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COST Action MitoEAGLE has been accessed more than
  • 30,000 times (2019-12-11)
  • 25,000 times (2019-07-22)
  • 15,000 times (2018-10-18)
  • 10,000 times (2017-01-30)
  • 5,000 times (2016-09-14)

Payment modalities for COST Actions

The following message was sent by the COST association to the Grant Holder on November 3 to explain the change in payment modalities:
Dear Grant Holder,
We are contacting you concerning the COST Action Grant Agreement which has been signed between your institution and the COST Association. Following the rules which are
applicable to the Specific Grant Agreement signed between the European Commission and the COST Association, and in line with the Article 5.4 of the Grant Agreement, we
regret to inform you that the second instalment (as foreseen in the article 5.3 Grant Agreement, amounting to up to 35% of the Grant amount) will have to be postponed until the
approval of the Yearly Financial Report of your Action. We would like to inform you that the following decision is necessary to facilitate the efficient running of the
financial management of COST.
The COST Association Administration, together with the Governance is working on improving the situation as of the next Grant Agreement (starting 01/05/2017). To do so,
the COST Association will adapt the pre-financing percentage stated in the COST Action Grant Agreement and in the COST Vademecum. This will imply also an improvement
of the timing of payments to be done in order to better align with the payment modalities of the European Commission.
In practical terms, it means that instead of disbursing the pre-financing in two tranches:
* First pre-financing of 65% at the beginning of the period
* Second pre-financing of 35% around month 8 of the Grant period based on the actual need of the Action
The COST Association would do three payments:
* First pre-financing of 50% depending on the first date of planned activities
* Second pre-financing of 35% around month 8 of the Grant Period, depending on the need of the Action based on the Intermediate Financial Report
* Last payment of up to 15% based on the Yearly Financial Report, after the end of the Grant Period
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the AO or the SO of your Action.
Kind Regards
Adrien Routelous
Head of Science Administration and Finance
[email protected] |

CA15203 Drafting Work and Budget Plan for COST Action for Grant Period 1 (2016-11-01 to 2017-04-30)

Dear Prof Erich Gnaiger,
The COST Association has allocated a budget of 68000 EUR for COST Action for Grant Period 1 (2016-11-01 to 2017-04-30).
Please click on the link below to log into e-cost and follow the instructions to draft the Work and Budget Plan for this Grant Period. You will only be able to encode activities that occur during the Grant Period and are permitted under the COST rules.
e-COST will prompt you to enter a justification for any activities that require an exceptional approval from the COST Association or if the budget that you encode exceeds the allocated budget. These request and justifications will then be reviewed by the COST Association.
After the first Management Committee meeting the Work and Budget Plan will be revised by the person elected Chair by the Management Committee and submitted for review by the COST Association. Once approved by the COST Association it will be automatically sent for MC approval via the e-COST based MC online approval tool and the Grant Agreement documentation will be prepared.
If you have any questions please contact the Science Officer for CA15203, Dr Federica Ortelli ([email protected])
Best regards,
COST Association Avenue Louise 149 1050 Brussels | Belgium
Ref: E-27.A

2016-03-02 COST MitoEAGLE - Next steps

Dear colleague,
We would like to let you know that the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) of the COST Action MitoEAGLE has been published on e-COST: »
1. If you are interested in being part of the Management Committee (MC), please contact us with a very brief outline of your active role in the Action: choice of Working Group(s) - MitoEAGLE#Working_Groups. We will need a balance of MC members in the working groups and management tasks.
2. Even if you are listed in the Network of Proposers, you will have to contact your COST National Coordinator (CNC) who will be responsible for your participation in the MitoEAGLE Action and the nominations to the Management Committee.
» COST Action MitoEAGLE
» Join the COST Action CA15203 MitoEAGLE
As soon as the MoU has been accepted by five Countries through their respective CNCs, the Action can officially start. The COST Association will organize the kick-off meeting of our Action.
If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to contact us.
Best regards,
Erich and Sandra
Ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Erich Gnaiger
Medical University of Innsbruck
Department of Visceral, Transplant and Thoracic Surgery
D. Swarovski Research Laboratory
Mitochondrial Physiology
Email: [email protected]
Sandra Fleischmann, MSc MSc, Project Manager
OROBOROS INSTRUMENTS high-resolution respirometry
Schöpfstrasse 18
A-6020 Innsbruck
T +43 512 566796 | F +43 512 566796 20
Email: [email protected]


2016-02-15 COST MitoEAGLE was approved - circular from the proposer
Dear colleague,
We are delighted to inform you that our COST Action proposal “Mitochondrial mapping: Evolution - Age - Gender - Lifestyle - Environment (MitoEAGLE)” was approved by the COST Committee of Senior Officials. The very positive evaluation of MitoEAGLE (» COST Action MitoEAGLE) is truly overwhelming, especially taking into consideration that the success rate of COST applications submitted by the September collection date was only 10%.
We would like to thank you very much for supporting this Action and inform you that we have re-opened the MitoEAGLE website: » MitoEAGLE.
We will follow up with next steps ASAP and are looking forward to a prosperous collaboration!
Best regards,
Erich and Sandra
Sandra Fleischmann, MSc MSc
Chief Web Officer (CWO) and Project Manager
high-resolution respirometry
Schöpfstrasse 18, A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria
T +43 512 566796 | F +43 512 566796 20
Email: [email protected] |

From: COST Association
mailto:[email protected]
Sent: 12 February 2016 17:16
To: [email protected]
Re: COST OC-2015-2-19984 Evaluation Feedback and YOUR ACTION REQUIRED
Dear Prof Erich Gnaiger,
We are happy to inform you that proposal OC-2015-2-19984 Mitochondrial mapping: Evolution - Age - Gender - Lifestyle - Environment was approved by the COST Committee of Senior Officials.
You can find the Evaluation report at: MitoEAGLE_COST-Evaluation2016-02-12.pdf.
Please note that in order to start your Action, its Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) needs to be finalised and published in our website and accepted by at least 5 COST Member Countries and the Cooperating State. The COST Association will publish the MoUs of Actions approved under this Collection on 26/02/2016. Your input for preparing the MoU is required by 19/02/2016 at the latest. Kindly ensure that all required fields are filled in by this date. ..
A Science Officer has been assigned for this Action. Should you require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact Dr Federica Ortelli at [email protected]
After preparing the MoU you may wish to contact your COST National Coordinator, Ms Nicole Schmidt ([email protected]) for your formal nomination to the Management Committee. You may now also inform your colleagues in the Network of Proposers and suggest them to contact their COST National Coordinators to further discuss their possible nomination to the Management Committee.
The contact details of all CNCs can be found at
Please note that you have been allocated the e-COST role "Action Proposer". Please inform the Science Officer, should you not wish to accept this role.
Best regards,
COST Association
Avenue Louise 149
1050 Brussels | Belgium
[email protected] |
Ref: S-4.B


  • MitoEAGLE participants are continuously updated on the list, starting 2015-02-24 (application deadline: 2015-09-08).
COST Action Grant Agreement (AGA)
means the agreement between the COST Association and the Grant Holder that governs the administrative and financial implementation of the COST Action.
Funding Scheme
means the mechanism governing the administrative and financial management of a COST Action grant.
Main Proposer
The Main Proposer of a COST Action means the coordinator of the network of Proposers who submit a proposal for a COST Action in response to the open call.
MitoEAGLE is an initiative of MitoFit. If you are interested to participate in the MitoEAGLE network, please contact:
Erich Gnaiger, Ao.Univ.-Prof., Ph.D.
Main Proposer of COST Action MitoEAGLE
Medical University of Innsbruck
Department of Visceral, Transplant and Thoracic Surgery; D. Swarovski Research Laboratory
A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria. Email: [email protected]
Disclosure: Dr Erich Gnaiger is founder and CEO of OROBOROS INSTRUMENTS –, and chair of the MiPsociety -

COST Actions approved 2015 with potential connections to MitoEAGLE

Standardisation strategies
  • CA COST Action CA15110 - Harmonising standardisation strategies to increase efficiency and competitiveness of European life-science research
Other selected CA topics
  • CA15115 Mining the European Anthroposphere 17
  • CA15120 Open Multiscale Systems Medicine 22
  • CA15123 The European research network on types for programming and verification 25
  • CA15129 Diagnosis, Monitoring and Prevention of Exposure‐Related Noncommunicable Diseases 31
  • CA15131 ABM & Training of Laboratory Non‐human Primates & Large Laboratory Animals 33
  • CA15132 The comet assay as a human biomonitoring tool 34
  • CA15133 The Biogenesis of Iron‐sulfur Proteins: from Cellular Biology to Molecular Aspects 35


Main Proposer: Erich Gnaiger
Main proposer means the coordinator of the network of proposers who submit a proposal for a COST Action in response to the Open Call.
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